What people are saying.
“Best 45 min ass kicking class around!”
“Love working out with someone who is positive, provides modifications and creates fun workouts!”
“GRIND has helped me build a positive relationship with exercising. The workouts are challenging but allow for everyone to be met where they are in their fitness journey. It truly fits all because each workout is planned to fit any fitness level!”
“I have never stuck with a workout program or gym this long! This community has really helped me find something I enjoy and helps me both physically and mentally. GRIND has been so helpful this past year with COVID-19 with giving me an outlet to move my body and be around others safely. One thing I really like about the workouts is how easily they are able to be modified for anybody or any need!”
“I always talk about several key things...Fun! The workouts are varied in a way that makes them fun! If you don't like a move then no big deal because the longest you have to do it is 1 min 50 seconds. Adaptable! Don't like burpees? pick another move! Can't jump? Then don't! The classes are designed so that you can adapt them to your fitness level or frankly, your energy level on a given day. Accepting! The people who GRIND are all ages, shapes and sizes and Maggie is so incredibly welcoming and supportive!!!”
“GRIND is an uplifting community of people that offers challenging workouts with modifications to accommodate all fitness levels!”
“GRIND is for anyone and everyone. All ability levels can do this. Maggie is incredible to work with. She is so friendly, welcoming, and truly makes you feel like part of a community. GRIND really has become an amazing health and wellness community!”
“GRIND 45 minute workouts are the perfect length of time and the variety of exercises offered keep the classes fresh and they fly by! “
“When describing GRIND I always talk about several key things...Fun! The workouts are varied in a way that makes them fun! Adaptable! Don't like burpees? Pick another move! The classes are designed so that you can adapt them to your fitness level or frankly, your energy level on a given day. Accepting! The people who GRIND are all ages, shapes and sizes and Maggie is so incredibly welcoming and supportive!!!”
“GRIND workouts are Fun! The workouts are varied in a way that makes them different and creative! If you don't like a move, no biggie, because you'll be on to the next one in under 2 minutes!”
“Adaptable! Don't like burpees? pick another move! Can't jump? Then don't! The classes are designed so that you can adapt them to your fitness level or frankly, your energy level on a given day. The people who GRIND are all ages, shapes and sizes and Maggie is so incredibly welcoming and supportive!!!”